Saturday, May 07, 2005

The Forgotten Ones

The terms "devils" and "demons" are archaic terms introduced to us primarily from misunderstood biblical esoterica. Today, we use the terms "devils" and "demons" more pejoratively than literally. For example, in the movie The Devils Advocate, the devils and demons are all lawyers! LOL. On a more serious note, in the past tensions between rival groups, i.e. political or racial have cast the stigma of "devil" or "demon" upon their rivals. Could the same have been true for the ancient biblical scribes? Were they "demonizing" a rival faction, nation, etc.? After careful analysis, this is the conclusion that I have derived.

In the NT epistle, 1 John 3:12, we learn that "Cain...belonged to the evil one...". The words "evil one" in this sentence (as well as every time it appears in the NT is in my own opinion an obfuscation of the Greek word Poneros, from ponos, which simply means to labor, to travail, to toil. However, the blatant use of the words "evil one" in association with poneros/ponos or toil/labor is a revelation in disguise. How so? In order to appreciate the effort being made here to obscure the identity of "the evil one" one must already possess certain "keys" of knowledge. For example, in Genesis 2 we learn of the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil". The Hebrew word, Tob, is rendered "good" in English, and the Hebrew word Re, is translated as "evil". The account is unlikely to have been originally couched in Hebrew, but rather in Egyptian (Moses native tongue, pun intended-if you know what I mean).

Moses was a prince of Egypt! All of the "Hebrews" who exodused from Egypt no doubt spoke and understood Egyptian language and were familiar with Egyptian customs and religion!

The biblical tradition has often connected the name Moses with the Hebrew verb mashah which means "to draw out." Actually, the name Moses is the Egyptian word mose (boy or son) written in Hebrew. The word can be seen in the names of several Egyptian Pharaohs (Thutmoses, Ahmose). Many scholars agree that the connection of the Egyptian name with a Hebrew word was a later development in the tradition, added to the story by a narrator unaware of the word's Egyptian origin. Read Luke 11:52.

It would not surprise me if the word "Re", translated as "evil" in association with the Tree of knowledge, is a blatant reference to the Egyptian god Amen-Re. The word "Amen" is an Egyptian epithet meaning, "He who is hidden" or "the hidden one". (Learn more about Amen-Re here)

Getting back to the point, Amen-Re (also rendered Amon/Ammon/Amun--Ra/Re) is later depicted as as a humanoid with horns on his head! The 33rd word in the Torah is the Hebrew word tov (Tob) meaning "good." It refers to the light that was God's first creation: God saw that the light was good (Genesis 1:4). If you have not figured it out by now, MASONS AND OTHER OCCULTISTS REVERE THE NUMBER '33' ABOVE ALL OTHER NUMBERS.

The tree of the knowledge of good/tov and evil/Re is another obfuscation of the name of Amen-Re

"Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen." Romans 1:25

Could it be possible that the word Amen, spoken by Christians and Jews alike at the end of their prayers, has its roots in Egyptian prayers to Amen-Re? Click here to read 25 biblical references that support this idea. Or perhaps this is a direct reference to the ancient Egyptian/Vedic concept of the Om/Aum?

Note: In my opinion, the most important of them all is not listed on It can be found in the book of "Revelation" (which means to make known--as if to say, Amen the "hidden one" is finally revealing himself!). Read for yourselves:

NIV Version:
To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation.

KJ Version:

And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

Click here and select any version of the Bible you want, it will say the same thing...that the Revelation are the words of "the Amen".

Egypt's first god was called Ptah, his firstborn son was Re (known as Marduk to the Babylonians and Zeus to the Greeks, Jupiter to the Romans!). He was considered the "beginning of the creation of God" the Egyptians! I cannot fail to mention that, no where is Jupiter ever referred to as the "beginning of the creation of God", but the same IS said of another planet in the Babylonian Enuma Elish--Marduk. Another red planet, which the Sumerians referred to as Nibiru. Learn more about Nibiru here. Image One, Image Two, Image Three, Image four, Image five, Image six,

Image Seven: Matthew 24:29, Isaiah 34:4

Image Eight, The idea of worlds colliding has sparked our imaginations. What happens when worlds collide? Science fiction has its own convictions. Here, Here, and Here.

I will discuss this in greater detail in another blog, for now, the reason for this digression is to emphasize the significance of the "humanoids with horns" protruding from their skulls...

The Egyptian god, Amen-Re was often depicted as having horns!

See for yourselves:

Image One: Here is Amen depicted in an Egyptian statue.

Image Two: Here is Amen/Ammun depicted on a Greek coin. The Greeks inherited their knowledge from the Egyptians! They, unlike the Hebrews, openly acknowledged this. Amen became famous amongst the Greeks because Alexander the Great claimed to be his son! Read more about this here. The Greeks from Cyrenaica "called the god Zeus Ammon", equating Zeus with the Egyptian Re!

Image Three

If Moses were Egyptian, who was the god that he followed? The conventional response is Yahweh/YHVH. But all scholars agree unanimously that the "name" Yahweh is not a proper name at all! There are variations, but it is commonly believed to translate "I AM WHO I AM". If I asked you, "who are you?" and you replied "I AM WHO I AM" would I be any the wiser as to who you were? The context within which this name is given sheds light on the cause for all of the obfuscation of this entities identity. He was "Amen", the "hidden" one. Read the dialogue between YHVH and Moses here.

Who was Moses' god? In one event recorded in the bible the people begin to rebel against Moses and his god. As a result venomous/ or 'fiery' serpents are unleashed, afflicting many so that they died. Moses intercedes on behalf of the people, and here is the result--Moses is commanded to build a "venomous snake/ fiery serpent" of his own and put it on a "pole". (Read more here).

Here are some examples of religious art depicting this event.

Image One: Several images.

Image Two: Here we see how this event impressed the Flemish artist Frans Floris (1517-70).

Image Three: This image is more dramatic in its depiction of a serpent on a pole.

Image four: This image comes from the Bible of Lubeck, 1494. (Learn more about Lubeck here). If you look closely, you will see that the central figure (Moses) has horns on his head!

More on the serpent.

This image has evolved over time; revealing more of its original esoteric gnosis. The serpent on the pole is commonly known as the Caduceus. However, this wand of Asclepius, often confused with the Caduceus wand of Hermes (and for good reasons to be sure), is the true symbol of the medical profession. It dates to antiquity, and was a symbol of the Greek God of healing, Asclepius. (More on Asclepius in a later blog)

Image one: Could this have been more representative of Moses "bronze serpent on a pole"?

Image Two: Another modern artistic impression of the "Caduceus", recognized as a universal medical symbol, in this bronze representation by James N. Muir has become and Angel of Healing bringing love and peace upon the earth and all of its inhabitants."

Image Three: In her book, The Yahweh Encounters: Bible Astronauts, Ark Radiations, and Temple Electronics, author Anne Madden Jones analyzes descriptions of the Seraphim and Cherubim given in the bible, and interprets them as flying machines which became symbolized as a "creature named for its copper color" and a "poisonous serpent" (I will write a blog on this later); no doubt for their ability to inflict "a sickening sting which was slow in its lethality and could be cured if treated in time.." She then poses the following penetrating question:

"What kind of bite would the fiery serpents have unleashed, the effects of which could be ameliorated by standing in front of and looking at a copper device on a pole?"

She gives her theory: "A procedure called radiation therapy used today for the treatment of cancer, requires the patient essentially only to look at, or stand in front of an x-ray machine, many times of course, or in front of a cobalt radiation device." p. 167

She then reasons: "Could Moses have built a complex radiation treatment device in the wilderness? No, but he could have built the housing for one, and the machine or mechanism itself could have been supplied by Yahweh. The implication in the naming of the device, was that both the bite and the cure were similar, were related in some way. As in a radiation exposure the bite (over exposure to radiation) and the cure (radiation therapy) are similar. Ionizing radiations and microwave radiations are known to cause various kinds of cancer and malignant tumors. The treatment of disease (principally cancer) by ionizing radiation is called radiation therapy. X-rays, alpha, beta, and gamma rays, all produce ionizing radiations. Whether these radiations are produced in modern equipment or are emitted by natural radioactive elements such as uranium, radium, or plutonium, their energy form is the same and their destructive effects on living tissue are the same." p. 167

We are getting to the gist of the matter. Alien visitation. The following website has some interesting information regarding the Caduceus and its technological implications.

Image Four: This image depicts one of the many layered meanings the Rosicrucians attatch to the Caduceus. The Rosicrucians are a branch of the Masons. At the core of their belief is the serpent!

Now, let us juxtapose in our minds the image of the serpent on a pole with that of another savior on a cross--Jesus. In the same Bible, in the Old Testament you have Moses hanging a serpent on the cross, and in the New Testament Jesus (pronounced that in Spanish Hay-Zeus!)is hung on a stuaros (Greek for stake, or pole!); he is not hung on a crucifix (or cross) as the translation seeks to describe him on. (More on this in another blog).

Images of Jesus on a pole: Image One, Image Two, Image Three, Image Four

More Crucified Serpents
From the same artist who brought us the fantastic creature designs for the sci-fi movies Alien (w Sigourney Weaver) and Species, H.R. Giger, we have this dark image of a crucified serpent with the head of a man wearing a crown of thorns. H.R. Giger is an occultist, and more than likely adept in his knowledge of the esoteric teachings of the ancients. Click here to view.

Another image. Read more about Nicholas Flamel and "His exposition of the Hieroglyphical Figures which he caused to be painted upon an Arch in St. Innocents Church-yard, in Paris. London, 1624." Here

On March 19, 2000, Pope John Paul II visited Mount Nebo during his pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Mount Nebo being one of the most important Christian sites in Jordan). During his visit he planted an olive tree beside the Byzantine chapel as a symbol of peace. Click here and here to view images of Pope John Paul II's visitation to a modern day "serpent on a pole" aka "wand of Asclepius" located on Mt Nebo (Nebo/Nebu, after whom Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, was named, is none other than Amen-Re's firstborn son!)

When I look at the image of Pope John Paul the II kneeling and praying in the church on Mount Nebo, I can almost here Psalms 89:52

Praise be to the LORD forever!
Amen and Amen.

**The serpentine structure on Mt Nebo was allegedly raised by the Roman Catholic Church itself, but I have not discovered any independent evidence to corroborate this as of yet.

Over all, we have suggested that the serpent is a reference to "gods" of Egypt. That the god of Moses was none other that Amen-Re, who later was worshipped by the Greeks, and the Romans, as Amen. Amen was depicted as having horns protruding from his head! We have even seen images of Moses having horns coming from his head.

Michaelangelo Buonarotti's Moses at the tomb of Julius II. Circa 1513. Note the horns on Moses' head. One commentator explains the horns on Moses' head as symbolic of betrayal. In interesting argument. But, this does not explain why archaeologist have found skulls with actual horns protruding from otherwise human skulls. Please read his article and form your own opinion.

When an artist depicts a man with horns on his head he/she may be associating that person/s with the mythological creature known as the Satyr. Satyrs appear in myth and also play intergral roles in the bible. Of the most significance is their proximity to Moses in the accounts of the scriptures.

According to Easton's Bible Dictionary, a Satyr is a:

hairy one. Mentioned in Greek mythology as a creature composed of a man and a goat, supposed to inhabit wild and desolate regions. The Hebrew word is rendered also "goat" (Leviticus 4:24) and "devil", i.e., an idol in the form of a goat (17:7; 2Chr. 11:15). When it is said (Isaiah 13:21; comp 34:14) "the satyrs shall dance there," the meaning is that the place referred to shall become a desolate waste. Some render the Hebrew word "baboon," a species of which is found in Babylonia.

Note: On my blogs on the Cynocephalia, we learned that they too were often mistaken as references to "baboons". Is it the most 'logical' conclusion, that these ancient texts were refering to baboons when they spoke of Cynocephalia or Satyrs? No, this is simply more obfuscation.

Nave's Topical Bible Dictionary has this to say of Satyrs:

A mythological creature, represented as half-man and half-goat
Leviticus 17:7

RSV, margin)
2 Chronicles 11:15

Finally, Smith's Bible dictionary gives the following details:

(sa’tyr or sat’yr ), a sylvan deity or demigod of Greek mythology, represented as a monster, part man and part goat. (Isaiah 13:21; 34:14) The Hebrew word signifies "hairy" or "rough," and is frequently applied to "he-goats." In the passages cited it probably refers to demons of woods and desert places. Comp. (Leviticus 17:7; 2 Chronicles 11:15)

The Satyrs, like the Cynocephali, were no doubt persecuted and 'demonized' for their appearance and stature. What is of import for now is that these beings, were flesh and blood, and were considered to be "demigods" by the peoples, and nations! There is biblical confirmation to this idea:

Leviticus 4:24, mentions how the Satyrs were to be executed--decapitation. This is the same fate that John the Baptist faced. John the Baptist was the cousin of Jesus. Later, the royal bloodlines of Europe would be sent to the guillotine to suffer the same prescription of execution. Is there a correlation? (A topic for another blog)

Psalm 106:35-39:

35 but they mingled with the nations
and adopted their customs.

36 They worshiped their idols,
which became a snare to them.

37 They sacrificed their sons
and their daughters to demons.

38 They shed innocent blood,
the blood of their sons and daughters,
whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan,
and the land was desecrated by their blood.

39 They defiled themselves by what they did;
by their deeds they prostituted themselves.

*The word translated as "idol" here is the Hebrew word Asab, it means to carve, shape, an image. Related words are Asab (spelled same, Hebrew Has no vowels) meaning, to worry, grieve, or afflict, cause pain.

Eseb: to grieve, toil, work, trouble.
Oseb: pain, labor, affliction, sorrow. Used only four times.

And the last related word is Assab, and it appears only once in the entire OT, in Isaiah 58:3, where it means worker.

The idea that there may have existed beings of the image and likeness of Satyrs and goats is just as perplexing today, as it was to many medieval scholars. Likewise, the notion of alien visitation, and past colonization of our planet by various species of life unlike our own is just as hard to swallow. Yet, slowly we are learning. We now know that the Austropilithicus once roamed the earth. We now know that large reptiles (dragons) once roamed the earth. So why is it so difficult to comprehend that Satyr's and Cynocephali once roamed the earth. One possibility that we must face is summed up by Katherine Anne Porter when she states that "one of the most disturbing habits of the human mind is its willful and destructive forgetting of whatever in its past does not flatter or confirm its present point of view..." Could the reason that we have forgotten these beings is because they walked the earth side by side with humanity for thousands of years? Could it be that we have forgotten these beings because we systematically slaughtered them for centuries to near extinction? Again I ask, Could it be that the reason for our willful and destructive forgetting of these lost races is due to our own hand in the designs of genocide committed against these sentient races? Perhaps, or as the religious scholars and scribes would have us believe, "they were merely idols", "figments of the imagination", "they were not real"....

Had the Nazis been successful in annihilating the Jews from the face of the earth would we today be led to believe that those who still held on to the tenets of a religion called Judaism were worshipping pagan idols when they spoke of the law of Moses? Most certainly this would be the case, and we would be reading psalms and prayers that end in the phrase "Hail Hitler" rather than "Amens". This radical example, is aimed at your imagination...we know that this might have been the case had the Nazis won WWII. Anything of any notable intellectual value remotely Jewish in origin would have been whitewashed over to appear as if it were authored by Aryan minds. This is what Porter means when she speaks of the "willful and destructive forgetting of whatever in its past does not flatter or confirm its present point of view". Do not be so quick to mock and scoff at these ideas because you simply have never heard of them. (This is often the case that I am faced with). Peter rebuke to scoffers who disbelieved the return of Jesus can be applied just as easily here:

"First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires...They will say, "Where are these Satyrs, these Cynocephali, these "reptile alien gods" (LOL-inside joke between myself and a few of my co-workers)", they will say [in their minds/their rationale will be] "Ever since our fathers died everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation. But they deliberately forget that long ago...." [2 Peter 3:3-7]

That long ago....

they [the Israelites, Canaanites, etc] offered "their sacrifices to the goat idols [Satyr in Hebrew] to whom they prostitute themselves.." [Leviticus 17:7]

...and that they dwelt and repopulated mostly in the abandoned cities [slums] of conquered lands...

But desert creatures will lie there,
jackals will fill her houses;
there the owls will dwell,
and there the wild goats will leap about. [Isaiah 13:21]


Desert creatures will meet with hyenas,
and wild goats will bleat to each other;
there the night creatures will also repose
and find for themselves places of rest. [Isaiah 34:14]

And that they also intermarried with human women...and produced offspring...

1 When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God [The Bena ha Elohim are "demi-gods", depicted as hybrids throughout mythic and religious texts worldwide!] saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with [a] man forever, for he is mortal [b] ; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown [The various species of demi-gods/ represented as hybrids in mythological and religious iconography all over the world!]. [Genesis 6:1-4]

And last of all, Moses was descended from them!

In a peculiar sentence in the Bible we learn the following about Moses:

(Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.) [Numbers 12:3]

On the surface, this seems quite kosher, but beneath the veil, we discover that the word used here for man is 408/132 is Iys, meaning man, or husband. In fact, this is the same word used in Genesis to refer to the Cain, whom the NT established was "of the evil one"--"the serpent" "Amen-Re"! [Genesis 4:1]

[To be continued]


Satyr: image one image two
Jordaens, Jacob, Satyr and Peasant, c. 1620-21,Oil on canvas
174 x 205 cm, Alte Pinakothek, Munich

image three Here you see a satyr secretly meeting with a human woman, no doubt she is the wife of the man on the right who is desparately seeking her. The satyr was heavily associated with sexual promiscuity. Perhaps, if your race was being hunted to extinction you too would seduce your adversaries’ wife in order to ensure the propagation of your blood line, your species even. Just a thought. Here is some info about the artist:
Altdorfer, Albrecht (b. c.1480, Regensburg, d. 1538, Regensburg). German painter, engraver, architect and graphic artist working in Regensburg, of which town he was a citizen from 1505 onwards, the leading artist of the so-called Danube School of German painting. His most outstanding works are biblical and historical subjects set against highly imaginative and atmospheric landscape backgrounds.
Image four: MONTORSOLI, Giovanni Angelo Italian sculptor, Florentine school (1507-1563). Yes those are grapes, which if you have read any of my blogs, you already know indicate a particular bloodline, also often referred to as The Vine. The flute in his hand also bears significance. See Genesis 4:21
Image five: In this image Satan, is depicted as a Satyr, however, if you look closely, you will see his left foot protruding from beneath his robe, it is actually not a foot at all but a fish’s fin! This is a cryptic way of depicting the transition between the age of Aries (the Ram/goat) and Pisces (the fish); the Satyr holds in his hand a stone/ or rock. No doubt a cryptic reference to “the stone the builders rejected.” This phrase is often misunderstood to be a reference to Jesus, but in actuality it is a reference to a persecuted royal bloodline. Jesus later makes the cryptic comment, “if a child asks for bread, will the father give him a stone or a serpent?” This is essentially then the same question as “If the Hebrews ask for a king will you give them a false messiah?”


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